Bird of Paradise Plant care

Did you know that… the Bird of Paradise plant can reach a height of 10 meters? Not to worry; as an indoor plant it’ll maintain a more moderate size. On average, the Strelitzia won’t exceed a height of 2 meters when kept indoors. .On this page you will find all information on Bird of Paradise plant care. Follow these Bird of Paradise plant care guidelines and help yours live a long and healthy life.


The Strelitzia, more commonly known as the Bird of Paradise plant, is named after the plant’s spectacular flowers. These red, orange and blue colored flowers resemble the bird of paradise in both shape and colour. There are 6 species of Strelitzias, of which the Strelitzia nicolai and Strelitzia reginae are most well-known. In nature, the Bird of Paradise Plant can produce this flower at an age of 4 years or older. This always happens during fall, unlike most plants, which bloom during spring. This is due to the fact that developing such a large flower takes more time. Unfortunately, as an indoor plant, the Bird of Paradise is less likely to flower, but you never know! There is a chance that the plant will flower indoors when it is 8 years or older. You can increase the chances by not repotting the plant unnecessarily; in order to bloom, the roots should stand very tightly in the pot.

The Bird of Paradise Plant originates from South Africa, which means that the plant is used to heat and high humidity. The plant therefore prefers a light spot and a continuously moist potting soil. Read on for all Bird of Paradise plant care tips.

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Bird of Paradise Plant light requirements

The Strelitzia prefers a very light, mildly sunny spot. During winter, it’s best to place the plant in front of a south-facing window, where it receives as much sunlight as possible. During summer, direct sunlight can be damaging to the Bird of Paradise Plant. We recommend moving it further away from the window during summer, to protect it from the hot afternoon sun. Do make sure not to move the plant too far away from the window. During summer it’s best place the plant in a very light spot with filtered sunlight.

Bird of Paradise Plant water care

Make sure the potting soil is always a bit moist, by regularly giving the Bird of Paradise Plant small amounts of water. Never give a large amount of water in one go, and make sure there’s never a layer of excess water at the bottom of the pot. The plant needs more water during spring and summer, as compared to autumn and winter.

Regularly mist the plant using a plant sprayer, especially during winter. This has to do with the fact that the heating significantly lowers the humidity. To maintain a high humidity level, it’s best to spray the plant regularly.

If there’s brown spots on the Strelitzia’s leaves, you’ve probably overwatered it. Allow excess water to drain, and wait until the potting soil has dried up a bit before watering it again.

Repotting tips

You only need to repot the Strelitzia when it grows out of its pot. This will happen more often with young plants than with older varieties. Repot the plant during the spring, and use a pot that is at least 20% larger than the current pot. We recommend placing a layer of hydro granules at the bottom of the pot when repotting. That way, it won’t matter if you overwater the plant, as the hydro granules provide drainage.

Fertilizer requirements

Once you receive the plant, it will not need any fertilizer for the next 2 months. This is because the plant can still obtain sufficient nutrition from the fresh potting soil. After this, apply fertilizer once every 3 weeks, from May until October.

For the specific amount of plant food, have a look at the instructions on the packaging and never use more than recommended. This can cause damage to the roots. The plant doesn’t need any fertilizer during fall and winter.

Is the Bird of Paradise plant poisonous?

All outdoor and indoor plants on Plantler have a decorative purpose; they’re not fit for consumption – unless it is explicitly stated that they are (i.e. a fruit tree). The Strelitzia is poisonous when ingested. Keep the plant out of reach from small children and / or pets.

Bird of Paradise plant care: Particularities

Torn leaves?

The leaves of the Strelitzia tear quite easily. This is nothing to worry about: it’s a natural process. Over time, the outer leaves and leaf edges may turn brown. This too is a natural process that’s impossible to prevent. You can remove the brown edges by trimming them with scissors, but make sure you only cut into the brown edges and never into the green parts. If the leaf turns completely brown, you can remove it entirely. Make sure to cut the leaf branch about 3 cm from the stem. The remaining 3 cm will break down naturally, after which you can easily remove it.