Ivy plant care

The ancient Greeks used Hedera to make wreaths for crowning successful athletes. It was believed that such an ivy crown would prevent the wearer from getting drunk. On this page you’ll find all information on Ivy plant care, from the ideal spot until repotting instructions. Follow these Ivy plant care guidelines and help yours live a long and healthy life.

Hedera, more commonly known as the Ivy plant, is a strong plant that stays green all year round. The plant is suitable as a hanging plant or as a climbing plant. The Hedera helix variety is an efficient climber that can cover a bare wall in no time. This not only looks good but is also very healthy. The Ivy plant is an effective air-purifying plant; a real star in the removal of the harmful substance formaldehyde, which you will find in every indoor climate. The plant also filters benzene and trichlorethylene from the air, which is contained in solvents.

The Hedera is a strong plant that’s not very difficult to care for. However, it is important to maintain a high humidity, which can drop significantly in our well-insulated homes – especially when the heating is on. Read on for all Ivy plant care tips.

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Ivy plant light requirements

The Ivy plant isn’t very peculiar when it comes to light preferences. The Hedera does well in partial shade, but you can also place it in a light or sunny spot. If you’d like to place it in a sunny spot, allow the plant get used to it gradually, by placing it closer and closer to the window. Also keep in mind that the colour of the leaves will become a bit lighter when the plant is placed in direct sunlight.

Ivy plant water care

Make sure the potting soil is always slightly moist, by regularly giving the Ivy plant small amounts of water. Never give a large amount of water in one go, and make sure there’s never a layer of excess water at the bottom of the pot. The plant needs more water during spring and summer, as compared to autumn and winter. Regularly mist the plant using a plant sprayer, especially during winter. This has to do with the fact that the heating significantly lowers the humidity. To maintain a high humidity level, it’s best to spray the plant regularly.

Repotting tips

We recommend repotting the Ivy plant once every two years. Do this during the spring, when the plant recovers fastest from repotting. Be careful not to damage the roots too much when repotting. Use a pot that is at least 20% larger than the current pot, allowing the roots plenty of room to grow. We recommend placing a layer hydro granules at the bottom of the pot when repotting. That way, it won’t matter if you overwater the plant, as the hydro granules provide drainage.

Fertilizer requirements

Once you receive the Ivy plant, it will not need any fertilizer for the next 2 months. This is because the plant can still obtain sufficient nutrition from the fresh potting soil. After these initial 2 months, you’ll only need apply fertilizer during spring and summer. For the specific amount of plant food, have a look at the instructions on the packaging and never use more than recommended. This can cause damage to the roots. The plant doesn’t need any fertilizer during fall and winter.

Is the Ivy plant poisonous?

All outdoor and indoor plants on Plantler have a decorative purpose; they’re not fit for consumption – unless it is explicitly stated that they are (i.e. a fruit tree). Ivy is only poisonous when ingested by the leaves or berries, for both humans and animals.