Begonia care

Did you know… Begonia seeds are worth a lot of money? The price of 1 gram begonia seeds is even more expensive of 1 gram gold! The seeds are as small as a tiny fleck of dust. On this page you’ll find all information on Begonia care, from the ideal spot until repotting instructions. Follow these Begonia care guidelines and help yours live a long and healthy life.

There are as many as 1,895 types of Begonias, which can be roughly divided into two groups: the flowering Begonia and the leaf-Begonia. The flowering Begonia can produce small flowers in all kinds of colors: red, orange, white, yellow, pink or even multiple colors per plant. The leaf-Begonia, on the other hand, doesn’t produce flowers. This species is known for its velvety leaves with beautiful foliage. Leaf Begonias have all kinds of striking colors, such as bright pink, red and silver. They are real works of art!

The Begonia originates from warm, tropical areas in southern Africa, New Guinea and the Andes. Since the humidity is quite high here, the plant will also prefer a high humidity in your living room. You can maintain a high humidity level by regularly misting around the plant. Do make sure never to spray directly onto the leaves. Read on for all Begonia care tips.

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Begonia light requirements

Place the Begonia in a very light spot, clear of direct sunlight. During winter, the plant can be placed in a spot where it receives morning sun. Are the leaves shriveling? That probably means the temperature is too high for the plant, and that you’d best move it to another spot.

Begonia water care

Make sure the potting soil is always slightly moist from spring through fall. Regularly give the plant small amounts of water – never give a large amount of water in one go. If there’s excess water at the bottom of the pot, it can cause the roots to rot. The plant goes into dormancy during winter. It requires much less water during this season, and you can allow the potting soil to dry a bit before watering it again.

The Begonia prefers a high humidity. Therefore, mist around the plant about once a week using a plant sprayer. Be careful not to spray directly onto the leaves. Regular misting also helps to protect the Begonia against pests and to maintain the plant’s fresh look.

Repotting tips

It is best to repot the Begonia in March. The plant’s growth period starts in this month, allowing the roots to recover quickly after repotting. Be careful not to damage the roots too much when repotting. Use a pot that is at least 20% larger than the current pot, allowing the roots plenty of room to grow. We recommend placing a layer hydro granules at the bottom of the pot when repotting. That way, it won’t matter if you overwater the Begonia, as the hydro granules provide drainage.

Fertilizer requirements

The plant won’t need any fertilizer during the first two months. During that time, the plant can still obtain enough fertilizer from the fresh potting soil. After these two months, the Begonia needs fertilizer once a week. This is especially important during the flowering period, as plant food can extend the flowering period considerably. Make sure you never give apply too much fertilizer. This can be quite harmful to the plant’s roots. The maximum amount of plant food is noted on the packaging. Never use more than recommended.

Is the Begonia plant poisonous?

All outdoor and indoor plants on Plantler have a decorative purpose; they’re not fit for consumption – unless it is explicitly stated that they are (i.e. a fruit tree). The Begonia’s sap is poisonous. Keep the plant out of reach from small children and / or pets, and wear gloves when repotting.

Begonia care: Particularities

Remove dead flowers

To enjoy your flowering Begonia for as long as possible, it is advisable to remove dead flowers. The plant will not only look beautiful and fresh, but removing dead flowers also allows it to direct all of its energy into producing new flowers.